Have you set your GOALS for 2013 yet?

NOM had been very unmotivated lately. Sure, he had lots of things to do, like taking care of his garden, cleaning the caravan, taking walks, painting pictures and doing grocery shopping. But he felt like none of the things he did were particularly productive. Everything he did seemed almost useless.

Then, when he was cleaning out his magazines that spilled the kitchen table a note caught his eye. Smart, his turtle friend had given it to him a couple of days ago for ‘motivation’, but NOM hadn’t bothered looking at it.

Have you set your GOALS for 2013 yet?

NOM, now curious flipped the note and read the back:

The reason why so many people are unsuccessful in life, is becasue they don’t set goals. Or if they do, they set the wrong goals. Do you want to be the same as those people? NO! So, I’m telling you, set some goals right now. What do you really want to have achieved by the end of the year? Write it down….

NOM stopped  reading and experienced one of those ‘light bulb’ moments, when everything suddenly made sense.

That was it! He had to set goals! Why hadn’t NOM realised this before? He quickly finished reading the note…

…(be sure to be specific) and then make a plan of exactly how you are going to achieve your goal! When you are done, you just need to follow your plan and do something everyday to make your dreams happen. I’m going to leave the rest to figure out for yourself. Go now and set your goals (3 or 4 are enough).

Goals and Passion!

Awesome! NOM was getting excited now. This was exactly what he needed to do.

And he started writing down his goals on a nice sheet of paper:

  • 1. Write a 150- page long book about my adventures (finished by 12th of December this year)
  • 2. Win the “Best Garden in Town” competition (it’s on the 23rd of November this year)
  • 3. Travel to 3 different countries this year (1 each in Asia, Europe and America)
  • 4. Make $500 a month through the internet, by the end of the year

NOM put his pen down and sat back. He was very happy with his goals. They were specific and 100% achievable. Now he needed to make a plan for each of his goals….

Write a 150-page long book about my adventures by 12th of December:

  • Have a finished draft by 3rd of August 2013.
  • To do that I have to write 30 pages a month
  • To write 30 pages a month I have to write 1 page a day!

NOM got out his diary and dedicated a time just for writing everyday. He also needed some time for his adventures (so he had something to write about) and planning time. He also included that. First goal was planned! Now he just needed to stick with it!

He did the same thing with all the other goals by:

  • first finding out what he had to do in order to achieve his goal
  • then setting exact deadlines for each of those “to-do’s”
  • after that he broke down his goals into small chunks (what he had to achieve every month, then every week and then every day)
  • and finally he wrote down everything in his diary

After all this was done, NOM stuck his goals on the wall above his bed. From now on he would look at them EVERY day!

NOM packed the note and some food in a bag and set off to find Smart to thank him for his wonderful note! Lucky he had found it now and not at the end of the year when it would have been waaaay to late to do anything!

How did you find this post? Have you set your goals for this year yet? If not, it’s not too late! Follow NOM’s steps and you’ll be on your way to achieving your goals and dreams! Have fun 🙂 

Good quote #7

There was no change in the amount of snow that came falling down the sky. It was the same as last week. Huge snowflakes and miles and miles of snow everywhere you looked. The cardboard box roof was so full of snow now, NOM feared it might come crashing down any minute.

To distract himself he checked his e-mails for the hundreth time today. He hadn’t received any new messages for two whole days which was depressing since he sent some to about 10 different people. Then, when he checked a final time in the evening he was lucky. There were 3 new messages in his inbox. He opened the first one:


We apologize for the delay of your weekly quote. Our computer broke due to the amount of snow and the next day after we finally fixed it the internet was down. We apologize again!  

That’s why we have two quotes for you this week.

Enjoy and let yourself be inspired!

the goodquote team

ps: The next quote will come just after Christmas. 🙂

you are already awesome

you are already awesome

NOM smiled at that. Yes I’m already awesome:)

you choose how you live your life

you choose how you live your life

Wow and that’s another great quote, NOM thought. What do I not like about my life? He thought about this for a while but couldn’t think of anything.

I’m quite happy with my life right now…apart from the snow maybe. He didn’t know what better choices he could make to change that though. But once he thought for a little while longer, a little voice inside his head whispered: Well you could move somewhere else.

Stuck with Christmas gift ideas?-NOM has some tips for you

NOM sat in his cardboard box looking out the window. The snow flakes drizzled down from the grey sky and each time one landed on NOM’s window sill he counted. “63….64…65…no 67!” NOM sighed and got up. Didn’t he have any hobbies? He made himself another cup of hot chocolate and sprinkled some sesame seeds on top. For NOM these helped to ‘enrich’ the flavour of the chocolate.

NOM sat down again flipping through the pages of a magazine. Then he saw it. NOM looked at the question in horror: What are you giving your loved ones for Christmas? NOM hadn’t even thought about getting Christmas presents. And it was only a few weeks until Christmas! He read the next few lines of the article. It had some gift ideas but none of them appealed to NOM. Sighing once more he put the magazine away and sipped his hot chocolate. There were so many people he had to give presents to. Ok, not that many but they were all special people which meant they should all receive special gifts.

present...(pic from pinterest)

(pic from pinterest)



“What should I give them?” NOM thought to himself. He was always scared that if he just randomly bought something from a shop it would look like he hadn’t put any effort into buying Christmas presents. And Christmas was a time of showing people how much you love them and being grateful for all the things you have. And of course it was about making other people happy. The thing was, he didn’t have much money left which made things more difficult.

Suddenly he had an idea. “I could make my own Christmas gifts!” With that in mind NOM got out one of the boxes under his desk and started looking through it. This was his ‘creativity box’. It included coloured paper, ribbons, pictures, cutouts from magazines, old boxes, pictures and even a photo frame. He needed to make 10 cards and 4 different presents.

NOM decided to start with the cards. He got out different coloured pieces of cardboard and folded them. He then decorated each one using pictures and ribbons. Finally he wrote a greeting on the inside of the card. He slipped it in an envelope and wrote the names on it. Done!

Next NOM made his presents:

1. He needed one for Smart his turtle friend. Because Smart loved keeping things NOM decided to make him a box for treasures. He found a cute little box that had once held soap in it. NOM decorated the outside with shells, ribbons and pictures of things Smart liked. He coloured the inside of the box green (Smart’s favourite colour) and wrote treasure box on the front using a gold pen. He finished his present by putting a little gift in the box.

2. NOM also needed a present for Shelly from the vision board shop. He decided to make her a collage. He took a piece of coloured cardboard and stuck different photos and cutouts from magazines on it. He also wrote his favourite quote on it and Merry Christmas in cursive. He also found some pictures of himself and added them to the collage. Done!

picture collage<br /><br /><br />
(pic from tumblr)

3. The next present was for his friend Paul from the supermarket. NOM knew that Paul liked writing and he had an idea. He found a blank notebook and decorated the outside of it (with pictures, cutouts and anything else he had). Then he wrote a little note inside it and it was done! Paul’s personal notebook.

decorate a notebook!

decorate a notebook!

4. The last present was for NOM’s friend Mia. He found a photo frame in one of the boxes and replaced the old photo in it with one of him and Mia. He then decorated  the outside much the same way as he had done with the other presents.

NOM looked at his finished presents. There he had them! Now he just had to wrap everything up and he was ready for Christmas. NOM was glad he had made all the presents himself. They looked great and he was sure they would love them. And a home made present was always better than a bought one anyway. NOM was really looking forward to Christmas now!

What are your thougthts on Christmas presents? Do you buy them or make them yourself? Or is it a mix of both? Do you have any other suggestions?

Good Quote #5

NOM lay in bed lazily not wanting to get up. Life was really boring at the moment. Last week had passed without an e-mail from the qoodquote team! He couldn’t believe it! Why didn’t they write? Now it was already well into the next week and NOM still hadn’t heard from them. Sighing he checked his computer one last time. And just like magic a new e-mail appeared in his inbox: A quote from us!

NOM opened it quickly.

Dear NOM

We want to apologise for not sending you a quote last week. As you might already know we are participating in the NaNOWriMO this year and we have to write 50,000 words this month. For those of you who don’t know what the NaNOWriMO is (National Novel Writing Month) here is a link to their website: http://www.nanowrimo.org/ 

It has been extremly busy and we are hoping to get all the 50,000 words written by the end of November.

Now we won’t let you sitting on your seat for longer; here’s our quote for this week! Enjoy and…

…let yourself be inspired. You will hear from us again soon.

the goodquote team

That is so true, NOM thought. When something goes wrong or just doesn’t go the way you want it to, it can only get better. NOM smiled. This was an awesome quote to live by.


Good Quote #4

It had been a really busy week for NOM. Busy and productive. He had cleaned his whole cardboard box, planted about 40 flowers in the garden, made a vegetable patch next to the cardboard box, called his old friend, wrote a new sesame seed recipe and ordered a camera on e-bay. He really needed a new one. Now all NOM had to do was to write an e-mail to the oven company to ask for a new oven because his old one didn’t heat up anymore. And of course he had to check his mails. That’s what he did first and surprise, surprise: there was an e-mail from the goodquote team!

Hello NOM!
We hope you had a great week and achieved the things you wanted to achieve. This weeek’s inspiration for you is of course another quote.

Enjoy and let yourself be inspired.

the goodquote team

NOM smiled. Funny he just ordered a new camera. The quote was so true; life was indeed like a camera and  all the people were the photographers. When he got the new camera he would do just that.

Like always NOM printed out the quote and stuck it onto his ‘quote wall’. He printed out two copies because one was going to go on the camera itself once it arrived. NOM sat back and realxed for a minute. What an awesome life he had!

Any thoughts about this week’s quote?


Good quote #3

Another week was over and it was time for a new quote! NOM was excited as usual about reading another good quote. After his bath he raced over to the laptop and checked his e-mails. And there it was: the quote e-mail! NOM quickly opened it:

Here is this week’s inspiration! We hope you like it. Get inspired!

the goodquote team

‘Hmm’, said NOM after reading the quote. ‘Looks like I’m going to have to think about something I want to achieve that scares me…’

And that’s what NOM did. It was a long night and he brainstormed things that he dreamed about that scared him. After what seemed like forever he still couldn’t think of anything. It was then that he decided to wait until that dream came along.

Do you have anything that you dream about achieving, but scares you at the same time?

The Importance Of Smiling :)

It was a rainy day once again. NOM felt happy because of his quotes. They had kept him happy all week long when it had been pouring with rain. Especially one of them:”Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass; it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.”

That’s exactly what NOM had done. Literally. Everyday he had gone outside, stepped into the pouring rain, danced, laughed and felt happy. Afterwards he had taken a long hot bath in his cardbaord box and made sesame seed tea.

Because of that NOM was in high spirits. Today he decided to go to town for a change. He needed to go to the supermarket to buy some sesame seeds and other groceries. NOM got out his green shopping bag and put on a rain coat. Then he skipped off to town in the pouring rain. The colours of the clouds were a grey-ish black and the grass and leaves were dripping wet. Add the mud and a downward hill and the fun could begin (for NOM)! Because it was way to slippery to walk, NOM simply slid down the hill sitting on his rain coat. He laughed and waved at the birds that flew past him taken aback by the sudden movement.

mud!! (pic from google images)

By the time NOM arrived in town he was completely covered in mud. His yellow raincoat was no longer yellow, it looked like a big muddy leaf. NOM’s fur was all tangled and knotty and looked awfully brown. But NOM didn’t care. In fact he still laughed when he stepped into the town square. “That was fun!”, he said and walked into the supermarket his feet leaving trails of mud behind. Inside people glared at NOM. Everyone looked cranky and moody. ‘Why is everyone so grumpy?‘ NOM thought. ‘Is it just because of the weather or what?’ He wished he could help them but didn’t bother about it anymore. He had to go shopping!

NOM stood in front the sesame seed section of the supermarket and started picking out different flavours. Plain, caramel, chocolate, vegetable flavour…

“WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING HERE???” a voice suddenly screamed behind NOM.

NOM flinched. He turned around slowly to find one of the shop assistants staring at him in disgust.

“YOU ARE MAKING THE BIGGEST MESS IN HERE! This mud is DISGUSTING. Who told you you could go SNEAKING around the supermarket thinking NOTHING of this MESS you made here??!!” the shop assistant yelled so loud, there was spit flying out of his mouth. ‘Jeeesh he’s in a mood!’ NOM thought. “t’s just a little bit of mud…”

“NO, it’s not just a LITTLE bit of mud!!” the man kept yelling.

‘Oops..did I just say that out loud?’ NOM thought. ‘Okaay I have to come up with a solution to calm this man down otherwise I’m not going to get my sesame seeds…’

“I’m really sorry I ma….”, NOM started.


Ok, so a simple apology doesn’t work…what else could I do?’ NOM really had no idea how to get out of this.

“If you don’t leave in ten seconds I’m going to report this to my boss and there will be some SERIOUS consequences.ONE….” the shop assistant threatened.

‘Oh ok…’ NOM thought… ‘Now he’s getting seriously angry.Keep thinking, keep thinking…’


What can I do? Uhm Uhm Uhm…’


‘Why is it so hard for me to think of an excuse? I need my sesame seeds…‘ NOM was desperate now.

“Uhh well I could uh clean the floor?” NOM said unsure.

“FIVE…SIX….” the assistant kept counting.

‘OK that obviously didn’t work…’ Then he remembered one of the post-it notes that were stuck to his mirror back in the cardboard box: SMILE! It always works! ‘Yes that’s it!’

NOM started smiling at the shop assistant and said: “You know I will clean the whole mess, I really don’t mind and then I can give you a hand and work in your shop for today, cheer everyone up a bit…and later I’ll invite you for a little coffee at the cafe up the road, the one with the pretty lamps. You know I really am sorry I left mud all over the floor. It’ll all be clean in less than one hour. I just want to take one thing: sesame seeds. Thank you.” Throughout the whole speech NOM smiled brightly at the assistant.

The man stared at NOM speechless. Then he managed to stutter a few words: “Uh well if you…you do that…that would…be..uh..yeah”

NOM just kept smiling. The shop assistant didn’t know what else to say so he just stuttered something and turned around to go to some sort of room that had a sign saying ‘Staff only’ on it. NOM thought he could see the trace of a smile playing over the man’s mouth as he disappeared into the staff room.

‘Did it work?’ NOM wondered. He chose all the sesame seeds he wanted and a moment later the shop assistant returned carrying two mops and a bucket full of water. He handed one to NOM and kept the other one for himself. Then he started sweeping the floor whistling.

Wow what happened to him?’ NOM couldn’t stop gaping. Just minutes before the man had yelled at NOM like he was some sort of thief…and now he was whistling and sweeping the floor.That smile trick had actually worked! NOM started sweeping the floor too and an hour later, everything was spotless. NOM found out that the man’s name was Paul and he worked here everyday except for Mondays.While they had been sweeping the floor people had passed them,  looking grumpy at first but when NOM smiled at them they cheered up and smiled too.

Two hours later NOM sat in the cafe with Paul and some of his colleagues who had been just as cranky and were now happily chatting and sipping their coffee. The afternoon had turned out to be really fun. Everyone had been in a mood, but when NOM smiled at them they cheered up. Smiling was the key to making people happy. Especially on rainy days. Then, later in the afternoon, the sun came out and a rainbow appeared on the sky.

Good Quote #2

It had been a very uneventful week for NOM. All he’d pretty much done was to read magazines and books about cooking and occasionally he’d taken a trip to the top of the hill to catch some sunlight.

It was early morning and NOM had just woken up. He got up off his bed and went over to the laptop hoping there would be another quote in the mail.

And there was! When NOM opened the mail program there were 2 new messages. One from his turtle friend Smart and one from the goodquote team! (https://kathialf.wordpress.com/2012/10/13/quotes-and-how-they-inspire-you/)

He opened the quote e-mail first:


This is the second quote and we hope you enjoy it! Let yourself be inspired!

The goodquote team

That is true! NOM thought. “And that’s what I will do for the whole of next week…I will subtract all the negative from my life and make room for many positive thoughts and feelings!” NOM printed out the quote as usual and stuck it to the wall. He then opened the other e-mail. It was from his turtle friend Smart.

Heyyaaa NOM!

What’s up? I found this really cool photo and I immeadiately thought of you. I couldn’t stop laughing when I saw it (you have to read the speech bubble, then it’s more funny).  And I know how much you love quotes and all.  The quote is very true for me too by the way. It happens to me a lot.. (the ‘turtle lying on its back’ part :P)

See ya (and enjoy)

from Smart 🙂

NOM laughed at that. Smart was right. This was funny…He laughed for 5  long minutes and that totally made his day.

Optimism; it’s the best way to see life.

PS: In case you can’t read it, the turtle says: “Omg I’m flying!”

Good Quote #1

It was late and NOM was really tired. Before he went to bed, he went to check his e-mails. 3 new mail messages!

NOM opened the first one but soon deleted it after reading the logo. It was one of those advertisements. The second e-mail was no different. The third one  was more interesting. NOM opened it and read the heading: A quote for you!

“This must be from reading day when I signed into the quote e-mail list!”, NOM said.  (read the post here: https://kathialf.wordpress.com/2012/10/13/quotes-and-how-they-inspire-you/) He waited for the whole message to load  then opened it:

We are sending you your first quote here! We hope it inspires you.

the goodquote team 😉

NOM smiled. “Great quote!”, he thought. He printed out the picture with the quote on it and stuck it on the wall next to his vision board. Then he went to bed and dreamed about quotes and a happy life full of rainbows. 🙂