Watch the Olympians!

A couple of days ago my sister came home from swimming (she does it as a hobby outside of school and trains 3 times a week), and she said: “Today I felt like I improved and I got better because I watched the athletes swim at the Olympics!”

And I thought: “That’s cool. If everyone improved just by watching the Olympics there’d be even more stars around the world!” You can do it yourself. Do you play or love a sport that’s an Olympic sport? Then watch your favourite athletes on TV! Because the Olympics aren’t just there for watching them and cheering for your country; they are also about improvement and achievement, not only for those who pariticpate in the events, but also for those who watch them.

some olympic athletes and sports!
note: not all of the above images are mine. I got some of them from google images.

Next time you watch the Olympics you should watch the athletes and the sport they are doing more closely. Look at the things they do before a race or an event. Do they have any rituals, (things they always do before they start) to get them in the zone? When they start you can watch their technique, the way they do their stroke or the way they throw, move or punch. Just watch, and you’ll be surprised by how much you can learn from watching these athletes. If you want to get better at the sport you are doing watch people who have done it before. They are competing at the Olympics right? And if you want to get there to, or you just want to improve, watch those athletes! That way you will improve!

Do you have a favourite athlete you admire? A sport you love and want to improve in? Comment below! 🙂

3 thoughts on “Watch the Olympians!

  1. Hi Kathi,
    great blog! I like watching Golf pros to improve my golf play. Sometimes it works sometimes not. It’s always great to learn from the best!! Great reminder.

  2. Kathi (my awesome sister), thats such a good blog :). Well I want to improve in swimming like you said and I learn heaps from it (like you said again) 🙂 Keep writing like this and you will be a superstar. ❤ 🙂 Your sister

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